|國際合作|International Cooperation
Innovative international collaboration steps onto the global stage.
Trans-disciplinary learning has become an undeniable global trend. We have outstanding partners from various countries, bringing together professionals from different schools, cultures, and fields, dedicated to promoting excellence in interdisciplinary teaching and research, shaping a diverse cultural learning community.
International Trans-disciplinary Off-site Study
These courses encourage students to form interdisciplinary and cross-border teams with international exchange students. They expand horizons and address significant global issues, proposing sustainable and innovative solutions. Students interact with peers from other countries through coursework, collaborate on projects, and gain rich experiences in various settings, aiming to drive innovative solutions. During this process, students will gain academic training, global insights, personal reflection, and other socio-cultural and civic educational experiences.
International Partners
- 九州大學共創學部 (Kyushu University, School of Interdisciplinary Science and Innovation)
- 墨爾本大學 (The University of Melbourne)
- 新加坡科技與設計大學 (Singapore University of Technology and Design)
- 密西根大學教育學院 (University of Michigan, School of Education)

|學習教練|Learning Coaches
「學習教練 1 on 1」是什麼?
What is “Learning Coach 1 on 1”?
學習教練是以獨立第三人的角色,藉由其引導職能,透過不定期 1 on 1 諮詢的時間,協助同學一步步梳理困境、釐清現狀、聚焦盲點,找到可能可以進行的下一步,讓同學可以有時間、空間,專注討論自己遇到的困難。
A learning coach acts as an independent third party, utilizing their guiding skills through periodic one-on-one consultations to help students navigate difficulties, clarify their current status, focus on blind spots, and identify potential next steps. This process provides students with the time and space to concentrate on discussing the challenges they face.
Who are the Learning Coaches?
學習教練們來自 D-school 兩大教練培育課程體系:「設計思考教練人才培育課程」、「設計人生引導員培育暨專案實作」,教練們在課程中皆受過引導學的培訓與實作,同時也專案執行、跨領域合作或探索經驗。
Coaches come from two major coaching training programs at D-school: “Introduction to Design Thinking Coaching” and “Introduction to Designing Your Life Facilitating.” Coaches are trained in guidance and practical implementation, and also have experience in project execution and interdisciplinary collaboration.
What can you discuss with a Learning Coach?
在 1 on 1 過程中,討論主要聚焦在校內外探索、執行自身領域的過程,或是在學程內外生活中的日常。(若需專業心理諮商之討論事項,則不在 1 on 1 的進行範疇內。)
In one-on-one sessions, discussions primarily focus on exploration and execution within and outside one’s project, or day-to-day life within and outside the program. (Professional psychological counseling topics are not covered in one-on-one sessions.)
|學習社群|Learning Community
Innovation is not a solitary journey but a collaboration and co-creation of knowledge. Although students enter the program with different projects and engage in off-site study in various locations, establishing an open and growing learning community is crucial. Your participation will continually enhance the program, make it a better place.