徐若瑄 Jo Hsuan Hsu

月經 X 身體自主權
Period and Body Autonomy



My trans-disciplinary topic revolves around “period and body autonomy”. The underlying core idea is to fully empower every individual with the right to make decisions for themselves. I hope that everyone can live comfortably under their own skin within a sociey that fosters mutual respect, empathy, and inclusivity. Drawing from my personal life experiences, I would like to explore this field through the physiological phenomenon “period.”

#賦權 #多元共融 #多元平權



首位畢業生的分享:林羿成 / 創造力發展

在學程的總整課程 專題實作 中,透過和跨領域的老師互動、交流,我設計了一個整合創造力教學與創意競賽的機制,並且到兩所高中實際執行創造力課程。最後,透過訪談創意競賽的高中隊伍、執行創造力教學的教師、爬梳過往創意競賽的題目與文獻、以及參與創意競賽設計過程累積的資料,我整理出一份研究資料,發現在創意競賽的制度設計會間接導致文化資本持續累積於高中生隊伍,讓擅長實作、但不擅長高中知識的高職生在創意競賽中較難以獲得成就感。

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